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Partit Nazzjonalista

Partit Nazzjonalista





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Kumitat ħabbrieki ta’ San Ġwann

Kumitat ħabbrieki ta’ San Ġwann

Il-membri kollha ta’ dan il-kumitat ħadmu qattiegħ biex jaraw li l-kandidati kollha li kellna għal din l-elezzjoni mhux biss jiltaqgħu...


Irridu l-għasses miftuħa

Irridu l-għasses miftuħa

X’hemm komuni bejn San Ġwann, Swieqi, Gzira u l-Imsida? Għalkemm dawn il-lokalitajiet għandhom rejaltajiet differenti minn xulxin IMMA...


Let the birds fly in freedom

Let the birds fly in freedom

Country must acknowledge that the ECJ ruling on finch trapping means this practice has reached the end of the line. Hunting and trapping...


Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

An independent life within an inclusive society

Equal Partners Foundation is a parent-run, non-profit foundation, set up in 1999, supporting children and adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and learning difficulties.

Our mission statement is: "to be partners with individuals with disabilities, their families and the community, and to promote and facilitate informed personal choices and meaningful lives."

This support also extends to the families of persons with difficulties to provide ongoing support and increase the understanding of challenges faced by these families as well as increase their quality of life.

In line with the social model of disability, all our interventions are personalised and delivered within the community. Emphasis is made on providing support in one's natural environment; thus our support services are delivered within homes, schools, places of work and recreation, and within the community at large.

Equal Partners seeks to support persons with disabilities in order to achieve a more independent and meaningful life within an inclusive society.

T: 2125 0400; E:

For more details about our services and programmes, visit or find us on Facebook: 'We Empower – Equal Partners Foundation'.



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