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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Bad year for honesty

Is this the same dismantling and taking over of our constitutional bodies as happened during the 1980s democratic meltdown? If this is so, then the current crisis is much deeper and far more serious. It is institutionalised corruption.

It was 1992. Way back then, Queen Elizabeth II had lamented that that year was rather her annus horribilis – a horrible year. Our sociopolitical history has a couple of horrible years in its long proud history. Many considered 1981 as our last annus horribilis.

For those who lived that turbulent year, and the five years that followed, it was indeed a horrible experience.

The aberrant election results left many scars of resentment and bitterness. Some socio-political repercussions still linger to this today.

The perverse election result prompted the imposition of a minority over the will of the majority. Malta was exposed to a democratic deficit. Our nation passed through a very testing time.

That was then.

Although the current socio-political situation is far from reaching the same political freefall, the Panama Papers revelations, the systematic alleged sleaze and all the behind the scenes manoeuvres are proving to be a testing time for our democratic credentials.

Is then 2016 proving to be an annus horribilis for honest, hardworking and law abiding citizens? Are we slowly drifting into another democratic meltdown? Many are concerned.

The latest independent surveys confirm this apprehensiveness. Honest citizens are just dumbfounded and overwhelmed not only by the daily revelations but with the lenience that this issue is being tackled. What is a clear cut solution for many is not that clear for our Prime Minister and his fellow elite. For a man who is prone to taking note of public opinion, this is rather mind boggling.

Many honest citizens, across the political lines, are flabbergasted and disappointed. Not only are they astounded by the lethargy of the Prime Minister but angry by his systematic subtle and not so subtle attempts to play down the issue.

Several times, he and his elite have tried hard to deflect attention and manipulate facts. They have tried to appear cool and make the whole matter to be seen as somehow ‘normal’ and justified.

By doing this, the Prime Minister is not only doing a grave disservice to truth, by failing to distinguish between what is right from wrong, but is attempting to rewrite what is ethical and what is not.

The Prime Minister had the audacity to state that Konrad Mizzi’s decision to open a secret account while holding public office was just “naïve”. Some days later he admitted that Keith Schembri’s choice to open another secret account, also while holding public office, was just a “misguided decision”. How upsetting and insulting.

Although political blinkered citizens were assured that both men had good intentions and nothing illegal occurred, for many other honest silent citizens this was repulsive. To add insult to injury, our constitutional bodies seem to be in total hibernation.

Is the acting Police Commissioner too occupied to investigate? Has the Tax Commissioner and tax compliance unit taken a vow of silence? What about the Attorney General? Is this the same dismantling and taking over of our constitutional bodies as happened during the 1980s democratic meltdown? If this is so, then the current crisis is much deeper and far more serious. It is institutionalised corruption.

Honest citizens are justified then to be gravely concerned since this erodes the basis of democracy. This is truly proving to be our annus horribilis.

While it was reported an employee from the Tax Department, whose wife was named in the Panama Papers, was rightly suspended till further investigations, Mizzi and the Prime Minister’s chief of staff are still going around their business shamelessly. Is this another episode of two weights and two measures?

While common mortals are held answerable, the ‘powerful’ and the ‘influential’ can act with immunity? Minister Evarist Bartolo was right in pointing to an old Roman law that declares that there is a law for gods and another law for animals. Are we then considered as animals by the reigning oligarchy?

Government apologists would vehemently point out that Malta’s economic standing is not horrible at all. True, the government ought to receive brownie points in this regard, while taking into consideration that it has moved on the previous administration’s ground work, vision and success.

But may I ask: is the soundness of a nation measured only by economic variables? History shows that men do not live on bread alone.

A nation is considered truly a great nation when it cherishes and promotes honesty, good governance, integrity, rule of law, solidarity, social justice and equality, besides its economic credentials. In front of this unfolding preoccupying scenario, honest citizens must come together. It is through unity that we have strength. Let us not play into Napoleon’s strategy of divide and conquer. Beyond possible political divergences we need all hands on deck. We need the mobilisation of all honest citizens and courageous politicians.

2016 may also be an annus horribilis for our Prime Minister and his elite for different reasons. Time will tell. In the meantime, let us turn a horrible experience into a positive opportunity of unity and strength. Together we can.

Honest Malta is calling.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 13 June, 2016)



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