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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Determined and not for turning

Politics ought to be concerned mainly with people and how quality to improve their quality of life.

It was 1980 when then British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher declared that “this lady is not for turning”. She was a determined woman. Over the years, this expression was used to underline one’s determination and commitment to follow one’s goal and vision in life. It is an expression that denotes the values of self-determination and resolve.

Following Simon Busuttil’s speech in Parliament on the Budget, I have to concede that this man is not for turning. In his speech, Busuttil came across as a man fully determined and committed to his tall order. He is determined to lead our nation to rediscover the true meaning of meritocracy, transparency and accountability – three basic democratic values, which Labour conveniently milked up to March 2013.

Although a calm and an introvert person by nature, Busuttil has grown in his political stature in these last three years. Beyond the prejudices projected by interested quarters, he is a man with a mission. His integrity, his European vision, genuineness, clarity of thought, honesty and zeal are not only qualities to admire but also values that our national leadership is in dire needs of. In his speech, Busuttil came across not only as an Opposition leader with the daunting task of keeping this government in check over a growing number of bad governance episodes but as a prime minister in waiting.

The Nationalist Party is slowly but surely becoming an alternative government to the current administration which sadly is becoming embroiled in an unending lists of scandals. It is also becoming clearer (for those who care to see) that Busuttil is European prime minister material.

Although this is a subjective assessment, an increasing number of discerning voters are casting away their engineered perceptions and reaching the same conclusion. Hopefully many others will follow suit. Although I was following his speech from the strangers’ gallery, I felt no stranger to his message. His speech resonated with my vision of doing politics. He spoke about the noble art of politics. He underlined the basic values which should guide politicians. He stressed the importance that politics ought to be concerned mainly with people and how to improve their quality of life.

He highlighted the importance of a caring society, in which no one is left aside. He underlined his vision of how to cope with future challenges. He emphasised the need to have a government beyond reproach and corruption. He spoke also about his determination to move away from the shadows of the past.

While he praised the government for introducing a number of reasonable measures, he highlighted a number of alternatives to address the shortcomings and lack of government’s foresight, in particular as regards to infrastructure, environment and good governance.

For the second consecutive year, the PN published a pre-Budget document entitled ‘Let us all succeed’, listing 91 proposals. This policy document complements the previous one, themed ‘An economy for the people’. Notwithstanding this proactive approach, Busuttil committed himself further to another 10 specific objectives. Underlining briefly these objectives will give a clear direction where Busuttil wants to go:

A new Nationalist government will retract the €360 million bank guarantee given to Electrogas and use this money to finance a scheme aimed at helping young people to come up with innovative initiatives. Our nation needs to have an intelligent think tank forum; Draw up a new policy document to address the challenges faced by small shops owners and medium-size businesses;

A new Nationalist government will purchase electricity only from where it is cheaper and will not be obliged to honour the current concealed contract of 18 years;

Draw up a list of basic consumables that will ensure a decent living standard threshold to all, in particular to vulnerable households; Distribute all medicines to our elderly free of charge, including medicines currently not on the existing established medical list; Build a new transportation system, a tramway or light railway, which will drastically reduce traffic congestion and air pollution; Update a holistic environment policy document taking on board the various concerns of environmentalists;

Remove the infamous gas tanker berthed in Marsaxlokk, considered a high-risk factor to the local community;

Address all injustices committed during the last three years without contributing to others in the process;

Establish an independent inquiry to audit all contracts signed by Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, publish the secretive Finance Intelligence Analysis report and bring a convincing closure to the shady Panama accounts that tarnished our democratic credentials as a nation.

All the above objectives in conjunction with the other 91 proposals in the pre-Budget document clearly point to one direction. Simon is not for turning. He is not alone.

We, the Nationalist Party and honest law-abiding citizens alike are not for turning either. law-abiding citizens alike are not for turning either.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 22 November, 2016)



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