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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Is this the making of another shanty town?

This is another example of a government which promotes the interests of the few over the well-being of the many.


Last year, the Naxxar local council expressed its concern regarding the unauthorised takeover by a number of caravan owners of public land along the Coast Road, in particular around Salina and Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.

Not only did they take over the area with their caravans but many set up makeshift tents, gazebos and other camping paraphernalia. One camper even opted to place a container there. The Naxxar council insisted the area was meant to be enjoyed by the public.

Although the council had discussed the issue with the government, even drafting a by-law to regulate the area, the situation remains unchanged.

In view of the government’s lethargy the council issued another statement emphasising that the situation is untenable on various levels and that residents deserve better.

As an MP representing the interests of my constituents in the area, I am duty bound to offer my full support, both to the council and to the many residents who reached out to me. I will not opt to be silent to avoid upsetting anyone. I did not enter the political arena to sit pretty on a fence but to advocate and promote the common good.

I am not questioning the passion for camping. Camping is a positive experience. As a nature lover myself, I fully comprehend those who find pleasure and serenity connecting with mother nature. However, this must be done within the parameters of the law and in full respect of others. Sadly, the current situation goes against the interest of the common good.

I find it unacceptable that anyone is made to believe that he/she is entitled to take over, unlawfully, public land to the detriment of others. The enjoyment for some (whatever it is) cannot come at the expense of others. Our civilisation is built on this basic norm. If we decline to adhere to this principle, we are enabling the law of the jungle.

Within this context, I have submitted the following parliamentary questions in the hope of receiving a clear reply:

1. Would it be a good proposal to identify/construct a camping/caravan site with all the necessary facilities/amenities, similar to the ones found abroad, for the growing number of caravan lovers? Many would surely welcome such an initiative, also in view of the overdevelopment and overpopulation of our island. Getting away from all this would be bliss. Thus, the government ought to encourage and enable open spaces and not overdevelopment.

2. The current caravan setup is an eyesore for everyone, in particular for tourists. Can our tourism minister be taken seriously when he states that his government is determined to attract six-star tourists? What is the position of the MHRA and other stakeholders, more so when a number of caravans are placed just in front of a hotel? Surely, tourists are not amused seeing a shanty town in the making.

3. Have we not learned from our past blunders when we allowed/sanctioned similar shanty towns? Experience reminds us all that when such illegalities are tolerated, only a miracle can revert the decision. Have we not inflicted enough environmental harm with all this ongoing overdevelopment and now allowing yet another environmental blunder? Why do we have to be blackmailed by voters?

4. If these campers have no approved encroachment permits, is Citizen Joe then also entitled to occupy other public land/areas? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. By doing so, the culture of self-entitlement continues to be reinforced.

5. Can our public health department confirm whether there are any public health hazards knowing full well that there is no drainage system/facility in the area and no garbage collection?

6. Lastly, some citizens have informed me that it is not the first time they have felt accosted by a number of caravan owners when they dared to swim/access the area. Others have discovered their cars scratched and tyres punctured when returning to their cars. Is this acceptable?

Sadly, this is yet another example of a government which promotes the interests of the few over the well-being of the many.

I encourage residents and others to be active citizens and offer their support to the Naxxar local council. Together we are stronger.

Let us hope we are spared yet another unsightly shanty town.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 12 May, 2023)



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