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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Joseph the Muppet

Never before have we experienced this compulsive greed and systematic rape of our country to satisfy the few at the expense of the many.

It’s time to play the music. It’s time to light the lights. It’s time to meet the Muppets.” These are the opening lines of a once popular children’s TV programme called The Muppet Show. The show was made up of puppets. Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy took the leading roles. It was a weekly TV appointment, which we as children were enthusiastically eager not to miss.

I confess that I did not share the same enthusiasm to attend the Planning Authority public board meeting which had to rubber stamp the hideous City Centre as purported by Don Silvio and his mercenaries. But as an active citizen and as the deputy mayor of St Julian’s, I chose to actively take a stand with our residents and others who uphold the common good.

As predicted, the meeting turned out to bear a clear resemblance to a Muppet Show performance. Sure enough we were provided with ample ‘music’, ‘lights’ and of course, Muppets, both among board members and within the engineered crowd.

After six hours of ‘presentations’, the final outcome was that deputy chair Elizabeth Ellul, ERA chairman Victor Axiak, Jacqueline Gili (brought over on a private jet), Timothy Gambin, Desiree Cassar, Simone Mousu, Joseph Brincat, Ivan Tabone, Matthew Pace (shareholder of Remax Alliance) and Labour MP Clayton Bartolo (whose father and uncle are shareholders in a water sports company that operates from Silvio Debono’s complex) voted in favour.

I hold that it is appropriate to name and shame, even more so now that we are discovering that some had rather particular interests to see that the development was approved.

This horrendous development is the third approved monstrosity by the Muppet Planning Authority. Mercury House and Villa Rosa projects, two other mega developments, were recently approved to the dismay of many. At this rate, the defunct Paceville Masterplan proposals are all being approved by stealth, one by one.

Although I hold nothing personally against these 10 members and wish them no harm, they must realise that their approval dejected so many residents and their families, insulted 4,500 objectors to the project, ignored several wake-up calls from NGOs and snubbed three local councils, representing approximately around 30,000 residents.

If local governments are to be systematically side-lined, why do we need them in the first place? How could it be possible for 10 political appointees not only to flout democracy in the face, but to do so placidly. While the board members who objected had to substantiate their disapproval, the rest ironically sat in sheer silence, fiddling occasionally with their mobile phones and scribbling a few notes. But their silence was not silent at all. Neither was it golden. Their reluctance was rather loud and arrogant. It was treacherous to residents, to the environment, to aesthetics, to their own integrity and to the common good. At no time did they try to engage or comprehend our points of view. They conveniently overlooked pertinent questions, such as: is the end result beneficial for the common good or not? Will this mega development contribute to the well-being and quality of life of our residents?

What will the cumulative effects be when taking into consideration other mega projects approved? Is it ethical for one to do business (and business will surely be done in view that each apartment is being sold between €7 to €10 million euro each) at our expense? Does being pro-business entail being anti-residents? Do the current policies justify this overkill? But the most candid question that I and others highlighted, and that was completely disregarded was: “If a similar horrendous private commercial development is proposed in your back yard, how will you vote?!”

Credit and respect go to chairman Vince Cassar, mayor Dean Hili, NGO representative Annick Bonello and Nationalist MP Marthese Portelli. Thank you for standing up to be counted.

It is becoming clear to many that the Planning Authority is in bed with particular developers. The Planning Authority has a grave credibility problem. Who is the grand puppeteer pulling the strings, one may probe?

Some may point at Joseph Muscat, as the grand puppeteer in view of his readiness to accommodate and enable those who are determined to make hay while the sun shines. I dare ask further... Is Joseph the true grand puppeteer? Although he followed his script well, could it be that Muscat himself is a Muppet, after all? Although this is a provocative question for some, it is food for thought to discerning citizens who dare to ask.

Although Muscat was voted with a landslide victory, it is very clear to the unblinkered that he is not his own man. Muscat might be our Prime Minister but in this case, the power behind the throne was Don Silvio. This is not an exception. Does this open Pandora’s box?

Is our republic truly an independent sovereign State or are we being governed by particular elite fat cats who ensure that they get what they want and keep our political players on a leash? If this is so, then we live in a feudal state and our democracy is just a travesty.

I have no qualms to admit that in the past, previous administrations also had strings attached to them. What was bad then remains bad now. But never before have we experienced this compulsive greed and systematic rape of our country to satisfy the few at the expense of the many.

While the Nationalist Party must continue requesting the General Auditor to kickstart investigations of how come public land was given for a pittance, the same party ought to commit itself that once in government (whenever that may be) it opens a truly independent magisterial inquiry.

A growing number of our citizens are demanding that all political players must and ought to keep at arm’s length from those whose sole intention is not to uphold the common good, but to pamper their compulsive greed, while promoting their self-advancement.

We need to break this vicious circle. Will the Corinthia Tower next feature in the forthcoming Muppet Planning Authority show, dear Kermit?

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 8 October, 2018)



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