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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Our three musketeers

Concentration of power has never been a sign of good governance. It is a sign of political insecurity. It is dangerous and autocratic.

The Three Musketeers is a novel penned by Alexander Dumas. It recounts the intrigues, mishaps and comradeship of Athos, Porthos and Aramis. These were three inseparable musketeers of the king. Their inspirational motto was ‘all for one, one for all’.

In the aftermath of the Panama Papers debacle, do we have our own version of the three musketeers? As information trickles in and many behind-the-scenes particularities are uncovered, my query is more apt and pressing.

The reply is that, politically speaking, we do seem to have our own three musketeers. To the incredulity of honest, hardworking and law-abiding citizens, it seems that Joseph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri perfectly fit the description.

As events have evolved and from public statements announced, Joseph, Keith and Konard seem to be in a political threesome. Not only are they buddies involved in shady agreements (which are still concealed from public domain) but they seem to be holding the entire reins of government.

They are in a world of their own, cut off from the rest. They seem to be the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of all State affairs. Is this the establishment of the new privileged oligarchy?

The everlasting intrigues and (dis)adventures of Joseph, Keith and Konrad seem to be deeply intertwined as much as Dumas’s three Musketeers were. My observation is shared by many, even by some discreet Labour sympathisers.

Concentration of power has never been a sign of good governance. On the contrary, this is a sign of political insecurity. It is dangerous and autocratic. It can easily lead to the imposition of the chosen few over the will of many. Political history books have ample examples in this regard.

After more than nine weeks of passionate debates, three national protests, two votes of no confidence and a series of overtones from senior Labour stalwarts, our Prime Minister remained as adamant as ever. He continued to endorse his men.

While all independent surveys agreed that the majority want both men out, our Prime Minister remained defiant. Mizzi acquired Hearnville Inc, Schembri acquired Tillgate Inc. Both secret companies were acquired while in office, during the same week, and were not registered according to law.

To our Prime Minister this is ‘normal’ and ‘acceptable’. To have his closest aides associated with tax havens and dubious financial dealings is not a big issue. To add insult to injury, lately he had the cheek to address an anti-corruption conference called ‘Tackling corruption together’. He tried to impress his audience by stating that he took ‘tough decisions’. Is this man suffering from delusions or is he trying to play the fool?

In his pre-election pledges, Muscat stressed that he will adopt a zero tolerance policy towards corruption but then he failed to take the bull by the horns. He marketed his government as one that listens, and then he failed to take note of the public outburst. His lame excuse that both men are doers (many beg to differ pointing out the half-baked power station) is no excuse to justify the unjustified.

So, the subsequent obvious pertinent question is: what is then holding them together as ‘one for all, all for one’? This is the million dollar question.

It is a rightful legitimate question. Honest citizens have the right to know. The Prime Minister needs to stop circumventing and fiddling with the truth. His political credibility and personal integrity are at stake. The lack of clarity will not only harm him, politically speaking, but will harm our nation.

We cannot afford having a Prime Minister associated with shady financial dealings and who is economical with the truth. Eventually, their shady dark shadow will fall onto him. Failing to address this question, speculation will be rife and will fester on.

‘Has he then some personal interest?’ some may ask. Others may query: has he any obligations? Who is the owner of Egrant Inc, the third secret company? Is there anything that citizens ought to know? Is the Prime Minister masking the truth so as to secure his seat of power? Can the real Muscat please stand up? Is the government hijacked by an obscure network?

The Prime Minister needs to stop being in a state of denial. The people may stop discussing the issue out of exhaustion but it will linger on in their consciousness till voting day. It happened before. It will happen again.

If the issue remains unresolved, then it will surely haunt him politically, overshadow his achievements and leave a dark blot on his political biography. He will not be remembered for the good he might have done but for his inability to rise to the occasion.

Honest citizens expect that prime ministers are an example of honesty, integrity, as well as being beyond reproach.

Anything less than this betrays the trust honest citizens have shown.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 21 May, 2016)



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