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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Proud of my politics

I am not proud of politics of power, spin, gloss and deceit.

Recently, the Labour Youth Forum launched a campaign entitled: “Proud of my politics.” I am not proud of politics that sells my citizenship as a commodity.

I am not proud of politics that promotes a “u ejja, come on” mentality where anything goes and is justified.

I am not proud of politics of greed that endorses overdevelopment and unsustainable mega projects.

I am not proud of politics of sleaze, clientelism and cronyism.

I am not proud of politics that considers me an accumulation of just eight or millions of human cells.

I am not proud of politics that boasts of an economic surplus but then fails to take note of an ethical deficit.

I am not proud of politics that seeks shady agreements and befriends disputable foreign leaders.

I am not proud of politics that fails to take political responsibility after the assassination of a leading investigative journalist.

I am not proud of politics engineered by a Prime Minister whose government and himself are surrounded by grave allegations of corruption and malpractices.

I am not proud of politics that undermines our constitutional institutions.

I am not proud of politics of impunity, in which a senior minister and a chief of staff are caught with their pants down, only to retain their seats of power.

I am not proud of politics of power, spin, gloss and deceit.

And I am neither proud of politicians who are enablers and minders of this type of politics.

On the contrary, I am proud of politics that fosters social justice, diversity, inclusion and equality.

Yes, I am proud of politics that cherishes the dignity of human life from conception onwards.

Yes, I am proud of politics that upholds our cherished common fundamental values.

Yes, I am proud of politics that promotes sustainable development and the green agenda.

Yes, I am proud of politics that enables transparency, accountability and meritocracy.

Yes, I am proud of politics that ensures that justice prevails all the time.

Yes, I am proud of politics which empowers our young people to succeed while taking care of those who are vulnerable.

Yes, I am proud of politics that safeguards and promotes the common good.

Finally, I am proud of politicians who are bridge builders willing to serve our community rather to be served.

And yes, I am proud to be Maltese.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 17 May, 2018)



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