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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Safe entertainment spots

The cowboy mentality should not be encouraged or protected by anyone, let alone by the political class.

We need to have the political determination to enforce existent laws. Sadly, daily experience proves that, in this part of the island, law enforcement is considered by some as rather optional. A recent article on this newspaper (August 8) highlights this grave situation: “The number of unlicensed bouncers caught working illegally in Paceville dropped by 90 per cent this year, sparking concerns they are being given ‘free rein’…. ‘I have been working here for years and I can tell you that there are loads of these ‘so-called’ bouncers working in Paceville. Everyone knows who they are and where they work,’ one DJ and nightclub manager said.” This confirms what is known by all who care enough to know.

Violence and vandalism are not restricted to the bouncers’ issue. The bouncers’ issue is just one of many other pressing matters. Tackling just the bouncers’ issue is a selective approach, for the convenience of particular interested parties.

Unfortunately, Paceville has degenerated into a place where anything goes as long as the money is coming in. Binge drinking, vandalism, brawls, noise/waste pollution and abuse of illegal substances are the order of the day. The new proposed decriminalisation of marijuana (recreational sic) will further deteriorate and compound the situation. Dope tourists/users will freely roam the streets, increasing nightmares for parents, educators, residents, the police and entrepreneurs. Do we have a culture of lack of enforcement? The answer is a resounding yes, unfortunately.

Are bouncers properly trained in crowd control and social skills? Are venues regularly checked with regard to health and safety? Is a risk assessment in place? Are all premises conforming to sanitary and building regulations? Are patrons properly checked prior to admission?

How many patrons are allowed on the premises? Are clubs regularly checked for illicit substances and smoking? Do club owners get fined or have their licences revoked if they fail to comply with licence conditions? Are some policemen in bed with particular club owners? Are particular owners more equal than others? These legitimate questions need convincing replies.

Some entrepreneurs are law abiding. Clearly, others are not. Some club owners cannot be allowed to get away with murder. Some consider themselves above the law and behave as they please. Is this perhaps due to their connections and networking with the political class across the board? The cowboy mentality should not be encouraged or protected by anyone, let alone by the political class.

In these turbulent international times, I shall repeat a recommendation I made some time ago: there should be entry points around particular areas. In line with other security procedures, those who want to go in and out must go through a specific entrance. Thus, each person is frisked for any dangerous items or substances and age is verified. Though the logistics of such an arrangement might need discussing, this is one way of ensuring a safer environment. Although many parents and well-intentioned entrepreneurs had welcomed the proposal, sadly, some assumed it would restrict their liberty to do what they wanted and immediately shot it down.

St Julian’s local council has been asking for more specific trained police presence. The current resources are clearly not enough. A clinic, counselling room and public toilets are among the facilities Paceville urgently needs. Hopefully, these will be included in the next Paceville master plan. The local council was/is not against the Paceville master plan as such but against certain proposals that did not safeguard the interests of residents and of the commercial community.

If we are truly determined to take the bull by its horns, then let all stakeholders come together to ensure that, in Paceville, not all things go.

We ought to do this for our young people’s safety.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 19 August, 2017)



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