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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Shattered dreams

The Labour government has much to answer to our future generations for enabling and sponsoring such a degeneration.

Credit: Ħamrun Spartans

Shattered Dreams is a song by a British band, Johnny Hates Jazz. The song recalls one’s anguish when dreams are broken.

Recently, Joseph Portelli, a contentious construction magnate, wanted to revive his lost dream of being a footballer. He disclosed that his youthful dream had been shattered by unplanned fatherhood. Now, at the age of 45, he is determined to accomplish his youthful dream. However, this time, it was the MFA’s decision that shattered his hopes.

Not accustomed to stomach ‘no’ for an answer, he went berserk. “It is really not fair,” he lambasted assertively.

Others and I know the feeling and disappointment when things are not fair and just. Sadly, many things in this land of Denmark are neither fair nor just.

For example, it is rather unfair for Malta to become one dusty construction site to accommodate some fat cat’s compulsive egomania.

It is truly unfair that Paceville, considered a golden goose, has come to resemble a favela. Although an expensive one, it remains a favela.

It is truthfully unfair that Miriam Pace and Jean Paul Sofia, among others, lost their lives under the rubble.

So many dreams were abruptly shattered. It is also unfair for our migratory birds to be massacred to satisfy an archaic barbaric pastime.

I find it utterly unfair that 150,817 Maltese workers earn less than the required median basic salary while others a jet set lifestyle. For example, an Air Malta ‘senior official’ was placed at the government-owned Malta MedAir and paid €157,000 a year, €13,000 per month for a 27-hour week.

It is truly unfair and unjust for unborn babies, voiceless and defenceless, not to enjoy the fullness of what life offers.

It is downright unfair that particular politicians have been or are allegedly rubbing shoulders with shady underworld dons.

It is totally unfair and unacceptable that a journalist was assassinated because she had the audacity to uncover the dealings of the corrupt.

Although the list of unfairness is long and painful, I must emphasise how unfair and unjust it must have been for 1,300 people, including children, who, during 2022, dreamed of a better life, away from misery, war and famine, and ended up drowning in the Mediterranean.

Regrettably, their dreams drowned with them.

Truly, Joseph it is not fair.

“They refused my request because of who I am,” Portelli retorted angrily. Maybe.

Nevertheless, maybe because of who the man is and the connections he may have acquired, his illegal concrete batching plant is still operative in Kerċem. Notwithstanding that it was set up illegally four years ago within a government-owned quarry, no action has been taken yet. Furthermore, the Gozo ministry and Enemalta are his regular clients. Enemalta awarded Portelli’s illegal plant 162 direct orders, worth approximately €4 million.

It is maybe because of who he is that the Planning Authority also approved his swimming pools in a protected area in Qala, notwithstanding the case officer’s recommendation for refusal and the objections raised by the local council and others.

Maybe it is because of who he is that he succeeds in getting what he wants.

Sadly, the likes of the Joseph Portellis of this world have shattered the dreams of many honest, law-abiding and environmentally conscious citizens.

My criticism is not about the man (why should it be?) but, rather, about an attitude.

In my books, I find it deplorable that some, because they have scratched backs, act as though Malta belongs to them.

I find it insulting that we are expected to prostrate ourselves to their inflated egos and attend to their arrogant whims.

I find it unacceptable that the privileged few are being allowed to do as they please and buy their way out of any problem.

The Labour government has much to answer to our future generations for enabling and sponsoring such a degeneration.

Others and I are determined to uphold and promote the well-being of the many.

We support the dreams of our honest citizens.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 16 February, 2023)



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