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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Sleeping with the enemy

Fat cats are being served. But they are coming for more… and more.

Sleeping with the enemy was a 1991 psychological thriller film. Taking hint from the title of this thriller, can I probe if the Labour government is ‘sleeping’ with the ‘enemy’, metaphorically speaking that is?

For some, this might be a provocative question. For many other hard-working, law-abiding citizens, this is an appropriate question to be solicited in view of an everlasting list of dubious decisions and scandals.

First of all, I need to clarify what I envisage by the term ‘enemy’, since the term may be misleading. I am not here referring to the classical significance attributed to the term. I am not referring to an intruder, an outsider ready to strike. The enemy I am referring to actually lives among us. The enemy is behind our lines.

By the term enemy, I allude to those who are nemesis to the common good. Mostly, these are people who uphold the supremacy of the ‘I’ over the ‘we’. They consider themselves above the law and look upon Joe the public in contempt. Such foes’ main interest is self-serving.

Many times they are self-centered and ego centric. For them, the world is at their feet. Everything has a price and everyone is a medium to enhance their ego trips. Their only interest is their self-advancement.

Under the disguise of being pro-business and progressive, their ultimate underlining motive is their own greed. Through expensive gifts, favours and a subtle networking of ‘friends’ in high places, they jealously guard their strategic positions within the establishment.

Through their ‘friendship’, they seek to be constantly in the good books of those who hold public office and other seats of decision making. Alfred Sant had articulated the expression, ‘friends of friends’ to coin all this. Like an octopus whose tentacles reach far and close, they subvert into every public/private entity, political party and other reputable institution.

The enemy is promiscuous and through their ‘friendship’ they continue to wedge their status among policymakers.In covert meetings they push for decisions that our public entities and/or Parliament would then be asked to rubber stamp. They are very sensitive to the political evolving scenario and keep a close eye on the opinion polls, just in case they need to switch alliances.

They make it a point to keep certain ‘politicians’ with political affluence in their ‘pockets’. In return, these politicians secure their own survival. Scratch my back and I scratch yours. The enemy has no political convictions but rather holds to political opportunism and convenience. They make hay while the sun shines. Is this then Freemasonry at its best?

Fortunately, not all developers, businessmen, corporates firms, tax audit advisors and pressure groups are made of this cloth. Many are decent enough to earn their living within the parameters of the law. Many are of good standing and hold to ethical standards.

It is those very few that I consider as the enemy of the State.

After three years in office, it is very obvious to those who use critical thinking that the Labour Party is not only sleeping with the enemy but has actually already slept with the enemy. It urgently needs now to take the morning-after pill, to stop further gestations.

All the recent bizarre planning permissions, change of established policies, laws and procedures, hefty direct orders and contracts, knee-jerk decisions, promotions, white elephant projects, schemes and amnesties are all set to accommodate pre-election agreements. Fat cats are being served. But they are coming for more… and more.

After 25 years in political wilderness, the last general election was a do or die for the Labour Party. Although the fate of the Nationalist Party was long decided, Labour wanted to be assured of a victory. Going to bed with a few fat cats was one way to cement such victory. Anglu Farrugia’s discomfort at having visitors doing rounds at Labour office’s fourth floor confirms this.

Now, Joseph Muscat and his merry men are obliged to reciprocate. As a skillful salesman, Muscat succeeded also in selling his party’s soul to the devil. In doing so, the Labour Party is beyond recognition as a left-leaning workers party. Genuine Labourites ought to take note and do something about this.

This should also be a clear eye-opener to the PN. It is much better to lose an election rather than to lose one’s soul.

Unfortunately, we had to learn this the hard way. I strongly recommend that the party keeps at arm’s length from such fat cats. We need to learn from our past mistakes, not to repeat them. It is reassuring to listen to Simon Busuttil’s declaration that under his watch, the party will be in no one’s pocket. I trust the man.

Busuttil’s determination should be inspiration to us all, wherever we stand.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 1 September, 2016)



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