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© 2024 Albert Buttigieg. All rights reserved.

Partit Nazzjonalista

Partit Nazzjonalista





Recent Articles
Let the birds fly in freedom

Let the birds fly in freedom

Country must acknowledge that the ECJ ruling on finch trapping means this practice has reached the end of the line. Hunting and trapping...


Kieku kont saħħar!

Kieku kont saħħar!

Ser inkompli naħdem mill-aħjar li nista’ għal bini ta’ soċjetà aktar umana, aktar ħanina u aktar inklussiva! Ftit tal-ġranet ilu, mara...


Not in our name

Not in our name

The government should reverse its cruel decision to deport the group of Ethiopians who have lived in Malta for the past 20 years. It...


Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Spalla ma' Spalla fuq F Living Channel

Kull nhar ta' Ħamis fl-10.00am sal-11.30am.

Mill-ġimgħa d-dieħla nagħti bidu għal program ġdid, SPALLA MA' SPALLA, program soċjali fuq F LIVING CHANNEL. Din hija r-raba sena!

KULL NHAR TA' ĦAMIS FL-10.00am SAL-11.30am B'repetizzjoni KULL NHAR TA' TLIETA FL-6.00pm sal-7.30pm.

Matul l-ewwel programm ser niddiskutu l-fibromyalgia u ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).

Impenn għal soċjetà aħjar.


My new tv program from next week: SPALLA MA’ SPALLA on F Living Channel, every Thursday from 10.00am till 11.30am. A repeat will air every Tuesday from 6.00pm till 7.30pm.

The topics discussed during the first program will be fibromyalgia and ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).

My commitment for a more humane society.



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