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The government’s decadence

Sadly, all the good done has been overshadowed and surpassed by rampant corruption and ongoing sleaze. It is time to get our country back.

Credit: Shutterstock

The Roman Empire was the most powerful empire in ancient times, however, like other empires, it came crumbling down. Many were the reasons that led to its downfall. Decadence was one of them.

Rampant corruption, arrogance, abuse of power and an ‘aloof’ lifestyle were surely decisive factors.

Is the Labour Party following the same route? Is the Labour Party in a moral and ethical freefall? Will its decadence cause its downfall?

The Labour Party won the 2013 election promising to restore transparency and public accountability, to safeguard the environment and to introduce meri­tocracy. Joseph Muscat vowed a zero tolerance to corruption.

Once in power, all promises were broken. Labour’s victory was built on lies.

Sadly, all the good done has been overshadowed and surpassed by rampant corruption and ongoing sleaze. Corruption and arrogance have infiltrated all levels of government while the opportunists are unashamedly pigging out.

From the Café Premier saga to the secret Panama Papers revelations, from the 17 Black debacle to the Electrogas scandal, from the Montenegro wind farms’ shady deal to the Vitals/Steward fraudulent contracts, Labour’s fingerprints of sleaze are everywhere. Moreover, the everlasting list of direct orders, positions of trust to party lackeys and the continuous pleasing of a number of fat cats is revolting.

The Labour Party is not only rotten to the core and soulless but has been usurped by the greedy few, holding the party to ransom. Labour stopped being what it was meant to be, an upholder of the vulnerable. Instead, it has become a den of thieves and fraudsters.

The recent tragic death of Jean Paul Sofia confirms this. Labour was set up purposely to defend people like Jean Paul. How ironic that a worker’s party obstinately denied the distraught working class family its request for a public inquiry for seven months. Instead, Labour brought out its trolls in an attempt to bully his mother into silence. Bravely, she did not budge, earning the respect and admiration of the whole nation in return.

Prime Minister Robert Abela’s change of heart on the public inquiry was not driven by Labour’s values. No amount of gloss will erase Labour’s rants in parliament arguing against the Nationalist Party’s proposal requesting a public inquiry. Abela’s U-turn was compelled by political expediency.

To add insult to injury, the Labour ministers are anything but Labour. They come across as the classical champagne socialists. Driven in luxurious cars, wearing expensive branding attire and enjoying a jet set lifestyle they did not enjoy before, they are completely distanced from the struggles of common citizens, in particular the elderly who are struggling to make ends meet.

The recent collapse of the electricity supply infrastructure has exposed not only Labour’s mismanagement after 10 years in office but the way they reacted to this crisis was insensitive and insulting. Julia Farrugia Portelli, Minister for Inclusion and Social Well-being, advised exasperated citizens experiencing power cuts to read a book!

Sadly, after 10 years of a Labour government, the island has become decadent and toxic. Such toxicity can be felt at every level of our society.

Malta has degenerated into a permanent construction site, with shabbiness and traffic everywhere. The country has become unrecognisable; we are in an ethical and moral meltdown; it’s a race to the bottom. Malta is fast becoming a soulless country.

Because Labour’s success was/is based on decadence, this decadence will eventually be its downfall. It happened to the Romans and will happen to Labour. History has a habit of repeating itself, if one fails to learn from it.

Abela is unable to learn and change course because, in order to do so, he must cut off the hands that feed him and keep him in power.

It is time to get our country back. It is time to save Malta from Labour’s decadence.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 31 July, 2023)



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