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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Therapy for Labour?

Under the pretext of being a pro-business party, it gave in to particular greedy and unscrupulous developers and shady business people.

This contribution is not about the proposed Bill to outlaw conversion therapy. It is about the Labour Party and its current forlorn state of affairs.

Does the Labour Party need to undergo a profound soul searching exercise? Does it need to experience a ‘conversion’, as in a change of direction? What does the party stand for today? Has it lost its priorities? Has it departed from its political roots? Is Labour still a voice of the Left?

In the wake of Panamagate, these questions are more legitimate than ever. Pertinent questions need pertinent non-gloss replies. That such questions are being solicited just after three years in office is telling.

Historically, the Labour Party was set up inspired by the encyclical Rerum Novarum. The encyclical tackled social justice. The then Labour Party molded its entire ethos on social justice issues. As other Labour parties emerged, the Malta Labour Party moved in line with other Social Democratic parties. Paul Boffa and Dom Mintoff are widely considered as two main protagonists of this social democratic tradition. Although one might disapprove with their way of doing things, in particular with Mintoff’s abrasiveness, both advocated the advancement of blue-collar workers and their families.

Labour Party priorities were always clear to all. Social welfare was one of its strengths. Combatting social inequalities was another. Privatisation was always considered as a dirty word. Developers and business people were always held in suspicion and considered as exploiters of the working class. The national interest, encapsulated in Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox was scrupulously adhered to. The Malta Labour Party fully lived the expectations of the Social Democratic tradition.

That was then.

The election of Joseph Muscat as party leader drastically changed this scenario. Muscat knew well that the party lacked numbers and charisma. Too many had still vivid, sore memories of what the Labour Party meant in office. Through a slick makeover, a new high-tech Labour Party emerged.

In doing so, many muse if the Labour Party has compromised its core values and lost its ‘soul’ in the process. Over these last three years, the party has gradually distanced itself from its social democratic roots. The voice of the Left within the party has been silenced. The party has changed beyond recognition.

‘This is not the Labour Party which we know and voted for’ is a common observation. A growing number of Labour adherents are feeling uncomfortable. Marlene Farrugia is just the tip of the iceberg. Muscat has transformed the party into a neo-liberal party. Although to his credit the party ushered in new laws in accordance with the Social Democratic tradition, in particular to civil liberties, the overall veer was to the right side of politics. While successfully keeping the economic momentum commenced by previous administrations, the Labour Party seemed to have lost its social consciousness. Aggressive neo liberalism is the new mantra. The workers party is no longer.

Under the pretext of being a pro-business party, it gave in to particular greedy and unscrupulous developers and shady business people who are setting the party’s agenda. Unprecedented, unrestrained greed and sleaze has become the hallmarks of this government. Unsustainable developments and numerous ‘positions of trust’ are too many to go unnoticed. Systematic privatisation is now the norm rather the exception. National and strategic assets have been ‘sold’ off to shifty and undemocratic ‘partners’. Our citizenship was put on sale too. Everything seems to have a price tag.

Although social fraud ought to be curtailed, numerous people were struck off from employment and social benefits lists without taking into consideration their vulnerability. What happened to Labour’s mantras regarding illiteracy, minimum wage and the living wage, uplifting of the socially and economically depressed areas, social inequalities, elderly, health, environment, social housing and immigration to mention a few?

The ‘forced’ departure of Toni Abela continues to devoid the party further from its social consciousness. The Labour Party’s entourage and party minions are emulating more than ever the lifestyle of Eva Peron. Is this supposed to be inspirational? The anointment of Konrad as deputy party Leader consolidates this perception. The Labour Party has been hijacked further. The new oligarchy has been cemented.

Mizzi as deputy leader is not only a bad omen to Labour supporters, who feel detached from him, but also to our democratic credentials. Having a senior cabinet minister trying very hard to round a square should make all discerning citizens cringe. Closing his Panama company is too little too late. We are not that gullible not to know that he can secretly easily open another account. Secrecy is the name of the game in Panama.

This is not what Labour stands for. Labour deserve better. We deserve better.

(This article was published on Times of Malta – 17 March, 2016)



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