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Albert Buttigieg in St Julian's

Those dirty fat cats

I am morally convinced that behind their millions of euros/investments there are dirty money, shady commitments and underworld connections.

In a very assertive article, Fr Charles Cini (The Sunday Times of Malta, June 26) addressed them as ‘dirty people’.

He wrote, “dirty people, who persist with their projects, come what may, their only concern being lining their pockets”. Sadly, he was referring to the construction blitz and the rapid environment degradation occurring in Gozo by unscrupulous ‘dirty people’.

Once again, we are strangling yet another golden goose. Malta and Gozo are rapidly becoming one construction site.

While fully concurring with his appraisal, may I add that these are not only ‘dirty people’ but are also dirty fat cats.

In my books, dirty fat cats are highly dangerous manipulators whose core motives are purely greed and power. The common good is their enemy. They are self-centred, suffering from a compulsive disorder of becoming fatter and fatter at all costs.

For them, the world is at their feet. Malta and Gozo are theirs to fiddle and bargain according to their self-gratifications. Since money is power, they are not embarrassed to use as advantage to influence or change policies/decisions that do not fit in their scheme of self-advancement. Through their ‘generous’ donations, sponsorships, lavish gatherings and subtle networking of ‘friends’ in high and right places, they shrewdly secure their strategic positions. Their ‘altruism’ is nothing more than a sham. It is pure investment to do as they please and/or to neutralise any possible opposition.

I am morally convinced that behind their millions of euros/investments there are dirty money, shady commitments and underworld connections.

These dirty fat cats hold no political convictions but rather profess acute political opportunism.

Through their unashamed ‘friendship’ with a number of political exponents, they seek to be constantly in their books. There are crooks everywhere, Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote. She was right. Like an octopus whose tentacles reach far and close, they subvert into public/private entities, sport organisations, community clubs, church organisations and political parties.

The political parties are their favourite lapdogs, knowing that they are the weakest link and prone to exploitation. They are aware that if they scratch a number of politicians’/parties’ backs, sponsor their tacky coffee mornings and promote their candidacy, they will surely get their back scratched in return.

On the contrary, whenever someone tries to detract them and query their modus operandi, they set off their minions to do their dirty work by bullying them into silence and submission. The everlasting sleaze, the overwhelming sense of impunity, their sheer entitlement and the bizarre mega planning permissions confirm the sad state of affairs.

The changing of established policies to accommodate their compulsive greed, the unashamed rape of our countryside/valleys, the amnesties of illegalities and the deafening silence of those voted to speak out are only a reminder that these dirty fat cats are the actual power behind the throne. The remaining are merely jesters and puppets on a string.

Quo vadis, one may quip?

Although some may be disheartened, silenced and/or opt to retreat into their comfortable bubble, I for one will soldier on and remain a steadfast voice for our common good. Notwithstanding a hidden hand is trying hard to outpost me from being mayor/PN politician, I am committed to be the voice of our honest citizens, an assertive voice for the environment and a robust voice for social justice.

I entered politics not to sit on a pretty fence in a futile effort to please everyone, knowing well that I will never succeed. I took and continue to take the side of the common good, whatever the price tag may be. It may take a Goliath in your life to discover the David in you!

Thus, in my books, silence is betrayal and sitting on a fence is cowardice.

Luckily, I am in good company. An ever-growing number of honest citizens, a number of mayors/local councillors/politicians from various political affiliations, environmental NGOs, young people, members of civil society and others are steadily standing up to be counted and seeing through the fat cats’ bread and circus antics.

By being consistent, resilient and assertive, our voices will further gain credibility.

Never give in! Never give up! Together we are stronger. Together we can. Together, we must and shall continue exposing these greedy dons and their lackeys for what they truly are: dirty fat cats!

(This article was published on The Sunday Times of Malta – 10 July, 2022)



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