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© 2024 Albert Buttigieg. All rights reserved.

Nationalist Party

Nationalist Party





Let the birds fly in freedom

Let the birds fly in freedom

Country must acknowledge that the ECJ ruling on finch trapping means this practice has reached the end of the line. Hunting and trapping...


Kieku kont saħħar!

Kieku kont saħħar!

Ser inkompli naħdem mill-aħjar li nista’ għal bini ta’ soċjetà aktar umana, aktar ħanina u aktar inklussiva! Ftit tal-ġranet ilu, mara...


Not in our name

Not in our name

The government should reverse its cruel decision to deport the group of Ethiopians who have lived in Malta for the past 20 years. It...


Paula Mifsud Bonnici

“Albert is an honest politician who has worked hard during the last years. I admire him for his perseverance, frankness, positive attitude and his love to make the lives of those around him better. Albert surely deserves to be re-elected.”

Paula Mifsud Bonnici

Former MP and PN Council President

Ivan Bartolo

“Albert huwa bniedem dinamiku. Il-pagni ta’ hajtu huma maghmulha minn xewqat sinciera li jkun vicin haddiehor u li jservi ta’ spalla ghal min hu batut. Dan wettqu kull fejn kien u anke issa matul iz-zmien li huwa Vici-Sindku f’San Giljan.”

Ivan Bartolo

Membru Parlamentari PN

Simon Busuttil

“Albert, għandi fiduċja li inti se tkun kandidat validu għall-Partit Nazzjonalista u għall-pajjiż, u ninsab ħerqan li naħdem miegħek.”

Simon Busuttil

Secretary General of the EPP Group

Robert Cutajar

“Matul it-terminu li għamilt Sindku tal-Mellieħa bejn l-2008 u l-2013 kelli l-opportunità li naħdem mill-viċin ma’ Dottor Albert Buttigieg , dak iż-żmien CEO tal-Awtorità tad-Djar. Fih stajt nammira d-dedikazzjoni, l-onestà u s-serjetà lejn ir-responsabbiltà li kien fdat biha. Fuq kollox però stajt naprezza fih id-disponibbilità u l-aċċessibilità fejn qatt ma ħalla l-kariga u l-pożizzjoni tiegħu jitilgħu għal rasu.”

Robert Cutajar

Membru Parlamentari PN

Claudio Grech

“Ir-residenti ġewwa San Ġiljan sabu f’Albert politiku li jmidd idu għall-ħidma b’impenn sħiħ. Bħala Shadow Minister tal-politka soċjali, naf sew kemm Albert għandu qalbu tħabbat fil-qasam soċjali. Albert huwa politiku b’moħħ, qalb u fuq kollox ruħ politika.”

Claudio Grech

Membru Parlamentari PN

David Casa

“San Ġiljan għandu bżonn nies ta’ stoffa u assertivi li jpoġġu l-interessi tar-residenti qabel kull interess ieħor. Albert huwa eżempju ta’ dan.”

David Casa


Francis Zammit Dimech

“Albert huwa persuna ħabrieki li jieħu kull inkarigu bl-akbar serjetà. Huwa bniedem onest, ta’ prinċipji soda u huwa dedikat lejn San Ġiljan.”

Francis Zammit Dimech

PN Secretary General

Ryan Callus

“Albert is a vociferous voice to the constituency of St Julian’s. I have experienced his dedication during my previous planning portfolio. He was always there to voice and defend the interests of the residents. His dedication and commitment is an example for all.”

Ryan Callus

Membru Parlamentari PN

Jason Azzopardi

"Albert huwa d-definizzjoni tal-persuna 'no nonsense'. Raġel b'sinsla soda, li jgħix il-valuri li jemmen fihom bis-serjetà. Loġiku u ċar fi ħsiebu, bieżel u mimli b'determinazzjoni li jgħix il-politika bħala missjoni li ġġib titjieb fil-ħajja tan-nies. Qatt ma jidħaq bik, iżda sinċier u leali. Tassew bniedem li tista' tafda fih u tistrieħ fuqu. He will not let you down!"

Jason Azzopardi

Membru Parlamentari PN

Roberta Metsola

"Qabel xejn irrid nifraħlek għad-deċiżjoni li ħadt li tikkontesta l-elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali ta' San Ġiljan. M'hemmx dubju li d-deċiżjoni u l-ħidma tiegħek għandhom isibu l-apprezzament tar-residenti fil-lokalità, kif diġa' sabu tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Bis-saħħa tiegħek u ta' kandidati bħalek, ikunu jistgħu jitwettqu t-tamiet tan-nies tal-lokalità kif preżentati fil-programm elettorali għal San Ġiljan. Waqt il-house visits li nagħmel dejjem inħoss li n-nies jagħtu valur lill-Kunsill Lokali. In-nies jirrikonoxxu li minn meta twaqqfu l-Kunsilli Lokali saru ħafna inizjattivi u nħolqu skemi ġodda li bihom igawdu r-residenti u min iżur il-lokalità. Li jimmotivana biex inkunu fil-politika hu li nkunu ta' servizz u qrib in-nies, u l-Kunsilli Lokali joffru opportunità oħra biex aktar nies ikunu ta' servizz għal ħaddieħor."

Roberta Metsola


Gejtu Vella

“I wish you every success in this new challenge you are taking. Indeed people with the high moral and ethical standards are required to help the PN get closer to the people, I trust you have them both. Additionally, and to your advantage, you have the flair and dynamism which are two other pre-requisites in the political arena.”

Gejtu Vella

Industrial Relations & Human Resources Consultant

Michael Briguglio

“Albert huwa kandidat eżemplari u onest. Miegħu taf fejn int. Dejjem fuq in-naħa tar-residenti.”

Michael Briguglio


Alexei Dingli

“Meta Dr Albert Buttigieg kien CEO tal-Awtorità tad-Djar, kien ikolli ħafna laqgħat miegħu sabiex inkomplu ngħollu il-livell tad-djar tal-gvern fil-Belt. Kien propju dak iz-zmien li bdiet l-iskema ta’ tranġar tal-blokkok tal-gvern. Skema li għamlet ħafna ġid u li sfortunatament issa twaqqfet. Hu kien jagħmel min kollox sabiex jgħin lil dawk il-familji fil-bżonn u dejjem kien it-tarġa tal-batut. Għalhekk, b’wiċċi min quddiem nirrikmanda lil Dr Buttigieg għax ix-xogħol tiegħu fil-passat huwa garanzija tal-potenzjal tiegħu fil-futur.”

Alexei Dingli

Former Mayor of Valletta

Br John Cassar

“Lil Albert, ilni nafu madwar 32 sena; għexna żgħożitna flimkien. Huwa persuna determinata, ma jaqtax qalbu u dak li joħlom bih ma jibqax biss ħolm imma jsarfu f'realtà. F'xogħlu mhux biss responsabbli imma ukoll ma jfittixx l-interessi personali tiegħu u kapaċi jaħdem fi grupp. Għalih il-persuni huma importanti iżjed minn kollox. Fuq kollox tista' tafdah!”

Br John Cassar

Franġiskan Kapuċċin

Sonia Bruno

"I feel very fortunate and proud to have worked as Albert’s Personal Assistant when Albert was CEO of the Housing Authority between 2011 and 2013. Albert always showed an ability to listen carefully and then provide suggestions for actions, a willingness to connect with people and an honesty in assessment throughout his work. Albert is a down to earth person and a man of great integrity."

Sonia Bruno

Former PA

Jonathan & Maria Gerada

"We were lucky enough to have Albert as our mentor for around 5 years during the early 90's, when as teenagers we used to frequent the Youth Centre. Albert was in charge of over 80 youths from all around Cottonera and beyond, and day in, day out he did his utmost to make sure we learnt as much as we played. However with Albert's dedication we must say they were the best days of our lives! We were proud of him then and are prouder now, given his great accomplishments. We can also attest to his integrity which was proven time and again. Albert is truly an honourable man, a man of great values and a people's person, who is not afraid to promote social justice. We're sure he will succeed once again and be an asset to our political scenario."

Jonathan & Maria Gerada

Former Youth Centre Members

Fr Thomas Calleja

"Sirt naf lil Albert fil-bidu tat-tmeninijiet waqt l-istudji tal-filosofici u teologici fl-INSERM. Mill-ewwel ħassejtu b’mod sempliċi u naturali jikkomunika karatteristiċi ta’ bniedem kalm, paċifiku, seren, ġentili u trankwil. Meta sirt nafu aktar fhimt kemm Albert għandu il-ħila li jagħmel kollox, la b’għaġġla u lanqas bil-mod, imma f’waqtu. F'salib it-toroq matul il-mument ta ' dixxerniment, ġudizzju u għażla, dejjem ta’ prova li hu raġel imżejjen bl-għaqal, bilanċ, proporzjon u għerf."

Fr Thomas Calleja

OFM Conv

Patrick & Claudia

"We got to know Albert during our teenage years when we used to attend the Kalkara Youth Centre in the early 90’s. He was responsible of a good number of youths from Kalkara and the whereabouts. He was always innovative and creative in organising social activities, educational discussions and outings for us. In fact our relationship started under his guidance and we’re sure that his valuable advises strengthened us throughout these years. Who is Albert for us? We truly believe that he is a man of integrity, a hard worker and gives his utmost in helping those most vulnerable in our society. We both wish him luck in this new venture, as we are sure that our country will benefit from his commitment while serving in the political scenario."

Patrick & Claudia

Former Kalkara Youth Centre Members

Helen Borg

"Lil Albert sirt nafu minn meta kont tfal zgħar fl-attivitajiet li kienu jsiru fil-knisja tal-Parroċċa. Minn dejjem kien persuna soċjali u jkompli ma' l-oħrajn. Meta Albert kien patri f'din il-parrocca ta' San Ġwann huwa kien jieħu ħsieb il-kura tat-tfal, żgħażagħ u anzjani fil-lokalità. Diversi żgħażagħ kienu jattendu bi ħġarhom fil-Youth Centre fejn Albert kien jorganizza diversi attivitajiet għalihom. Issa, li Albert jinsab fil-politika nħoss li dan huwa tajjeb kemm għal partit u kemm għal pajjiż. Nemmen li għandha bżonn persuna bħal Albert li mhux biss għandu esperjenza twila ta' servizz lil oħrajn imma għandu ċerta preparazzjoni u ntegrità."

Helen Borg

Pauline Galea

"Like most parents, at first we were skeptic when our son asked us to start attending San Gwann Youth Centre. However, after an introductory meeting with Albert, we felt assured. Fr. Albert, or Bertu as he was called by the many youths who regularly attended the youth centre, was very dedicated in organizing various educational, religious and other social events. Our daughter and their friends soon joined too. We felt grateful to Albert for providing a safe and a healthy environment for our children to become mature young persons. Both our children have vivid memories of those times. Now that Albert has decided to return once more to serving his community, this time in the role of a politician, we wish him all the best. We are sure that he will be an asset as much as he was when he was a priest serving our community."

Pauline Galea

Parent of a former Youth Centre Member

Dr Hermann Paul Farrugia

"Albert and I only got to acquaint ourselves about three years back. It is true that we were both Floriana citizens way back in the early eighties when I still resided in the suburb as a freshly qualified, young doctor until I commenced post-grad studies in Paris and Albert had been following the Sacred Theology course as a Franciscan based at the Capuchin Friary. I know Albert has a very rich multi-faceted formation and live experience too through his University Studies in Education and Licensed in Social Studies which formation he undertook in Rome. No wonder Albert had immediately on his return from studies distinguished himself very persuasively and energetically in the service to the Christian Community, particularly that of the organisation and care of San Gwann where his dedication successfully translated into many a hundredfold following of youths in the relatively "youngish" Parish. The rest of his professional and social commitments are very well known and appreciated by many. Albert's ethically profound devotion to his family clearly reflects his unstinted commitment to his professional duties as an administrator of Government and NGO Agencies labouring in the Social field, whether that was in making possible appropriately acceptable Housing Standards for the socially underpriviledged and emarginated, as well as through Sedqa, then for a while Caritas and currently meticulously seeing to the care and never ending needs of educationally deprived children. I cannot specifically not emphasize the way Albert has mastered his writing skills in the Political Arena. He is known to present his mature, objective views within the current politico-social debate through well researched and presented fashion and with the exact loving approach, precision and depth of focus as Albert would have meticulously done had he still been in a position to prepare and deliver his weekly Sunday Mass address to his followers, across both the generational, socio-economic as well as political divide. Indeed I am so glad and priviledged to have not only had occasion to become a good acquaintance with Albert but found in him a most valuable friend personally speaking as well as in the dedicated service to our community in San Gwann including the Kappara hamlet and beyond."

Dr Hermann Paul Farrugia

Paul Fenech

"Kemm ili naf lil Albert dejjem nafu impenjat fil-ħidma għal min hu l-aktar fil-bżonn. Albert qiegħed jikkuntesta l-elezzjoni ġenerali bl-akbar umiltà u impenn sħiħ għaliex jemmen tassew li l-politika hija kif qiegħed igħid Papa Franġisku meta dan qal: ‘li l-politika hija mod qawwi ta’ servizz lill-oħrajn."

Paul Fenech

Kunsillier Swieqi u Pittur

Alexander Schembri

"For the past 5 years I have had several occasions to meet Albert and mainly discuss issues regarding the elderly. My career in geriatric dentistry was always of interest to Albert as he understood that good oral health and quality of life of the elderly go hand in hand. He always shared a genuine interest in residential homes for the elderly and what he can really do to make such places a place where elderly can refer to as their private home. Albert is down to earth and cares for the basic issues that effect our daily lives. He is open to recommendations as long as they contribute positively to society. His charismatic, emphatic character make him a person one can easily relate to and share one s thoughts with as we would normally do with a friend."

Alexander Schembri


Dr Stephen Brincat

"As I had occasion to tell the President of the Republic, Albert is honest, sometimes tediously so, which given the present political environment is a much needed quality in a politician. He is also a competent manager who gets things done. This should be an essential part of the CV of anyone aspiring to a role in politics, that goes beyond the backbench."

Dr Stephen Brincat

MD FRCP FRCR, Oncology

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